Facial Acupuncture
Facial Acupuncture is holistic.
- Â It directly improves collagen and elastin production of the skin while lifting and toning. This reduces wrinkles and sagginess.
- In addition to supporting the wrinkles and lines due to repeated expression, these treatments also help you process the emotions behind the expressions that caused the lines.Â
- Internal health shows up in the skin. Acupuncture supports organ function, hormone balance, digestion, sleep issues and stress. These treatments support overall health.

What is Facial Acupuncture?
Why Choose Facial Acupuncture?
What are the benefits of Facial Acupuncture?
Your internal body health affects your face. We choose the best whole body treatment possible to support your body’s holistic needs. If your hormones are out of balance, that will be a priority for our treatments. If your digestion is off, we will support that until it regulates. Sleep is wildly important for healthy, youthful appearances. Stress is another big factor leading to wrinkle formation, so it's also important to address all lingering emotions.
In addition to whole body treatments, facial acupuncture works locally at the areas in need by stimulating qi and blood flow throughout your face.
The gentle insertion of tiny sterile needles directly into the dermis of the skin on the face causes increased qi and blood flow to the area. This helps stimulate important collagen and elastin production, which delivers multiple potential benefits. Fine lines, wrinkles can diminish while other texture issues even out.
One of the initial benefits of facial acupuncture is a softer, more relaxed face. With repeated treatments, your body will hold these changes. Expression lines will also soften as we address the emotions behind them, and puffy eyelids will decrease as we address the internal factors contributing to them. Treating the cause of the problems in tandem with the symptoms allows for long-term health enhancements.
Gravity is another contributor to the aging process. As elastin and collagen weaken and muscles fatigue, gravity's pesky force further adds to droopiness. Increasing the qi and blood flow to the face helps combat sagging cheeks, mouths and eyelids.
Using a specific needling technique on certain acupuncture points that correspond anatomically with neuromuscular junctions can stimulate muscle tone and support droopy areas of the face from the muscular level. Because facial acupuncture doesn't lead to muscle paralysis, your face will achieve natural, unique beauty rather than a homogenized look.
What is the cost of Facial Acupuncture?
Facial Acupuncture is $139 for one session, or when purchased as a full package of 12 sessions $1,500.

Interested? Here is some additional information about Facial Acupuncture
What happens to my skin as I age?

Skin in your 20s
Skin in your 30s

Skin in your 40s
Skin in your 50s

Skin in your 60sÂ
Skin in your 70s and beyond
In your 70s, it's not about your wrinkles.Â
Love your face! Let's clear any tension patterns or trauma out of your face and body. You've earned it.Â

What factors contribute to wrinkle formation?
Natural Aging
Intrinsic aging, also known as the natural aging process, is caused by the genes we inherit from our parents. This is a continuous process that normally begins in our mid-20s. As we age, collagen production slows and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, loses its elasticity.
The turnover of new skin cells slows, as does the shedding of dead skin cells. While these changes may start in our 20s, the visible signs of intrinsic aging may not be noticeable for many years, even decades. Genes control how quickly the normal aging process unfolds. Some notice those first graying hairs in their 20s, others do not see graying until their 40s or even 50s.
Signs of intrinsic aging include:
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Loss of underlying fat, leading to hollow cheeks and eye sockets, as well as noticeable loss of firmness on hands and neck
- Dry skin that may itch
- Thin and transparent skin
- Bones shrinking away from the skin due to bone loss, which causes sagging skin
- Graying hair that eventually turns white
- Hair loss
- Unwanted hair
Daily Habits that Impact Aging
External factors often act together with the normal aging process to prematurely age our skin. Some of these extrinsic factors include sun exposure (or photoaging), smoking, repetitive facial expressions, gravity and habitual sleeping positions. The two that cause the most premature aging are sun exposure and smoking.
The daily routine you apply to your face is also important. A gentle cleanser, toner and moisterizer are important daily. Exfoliating in regular intervals relative to your age and skin cycle is also important. Using natural products where you can helps minimize toxic build-up in the body as well.
.We all know that smoking causes many health problems. An arsenal of research studies has shown that smoking, in addition to its cancerous effects, causes the degeneration of elastic tissue. Nicotine reduces blood flow to the skin by narrowing the blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin.
.Reduced blood flow means less oxygen and nutrients are being delivered to the skin. The chemicals in the tobacco smoke also damage collagen and elastin, the critical fibers that give skin its plumpness, strength and elasticity, resulting in sagging skin and premature wrinkling all over your body. Additionally, the repeated facial expressions made when smoking, such as pursed lips and squinted eyes, all contribute to wrinkle formation.
Sun Exposure and Aging
Freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, fine wrinkles, blotchy complexion and skin cancer can all be traced to sun exposure. The amount of photoaging that develops depends on a person’s skin color and their history of long-term or intense sun exposure. People with fair skin and a history of sun exposure develop more signs of photoaging than those with dark skin.
Photoaging occurs over a period of years, and although it might not be readily visible, much of the aging process is underway by age 20. Exposure to UV radiation accounts for most of the symptoms of early skin aging.
How does a Wrinkle form after Sun Exposure?
The sun's UV rays can severely damage collagen and elastin production.
Collagen is the main protein that provides structure to the skin and elastin is the main protein that helps skin and its underlying tissue to stay springy and strong. In response to sun-induced elastin damage, the body produces certain enzymes that can cause the breakdown of collagen, resulting in the uneven formation of disorganized collagen fibers called solar scars. Repetition of this abnormal skin rebuilding causes wrinkles.
Another important event in this process is the overproduction of oxidants (or free radicals). Excessive amounts of free radicals cause damage to cellular DNA and impair the cell's ability to repair itself.
Can Facial Acupuncture Reduce Expression Lines?
The ancient Chinese people understood how closely physical and emotional health are linked. In modern medical science, emotions are related to chemical imbalances in the brain. Emotions create a feedback loop in the limbic system, part of the nervous system. In this way, they affect the whole body, even though brain chemicals are generally the cause.
In Chinese medicine, we understand that emotions live in the body and are housed in different organ systems.
Both philosophies acknowledge that emotions impact health. Poor physical health can lead to excessive challenging emotions and vice versa. Perhaps you can relate to a time when you were excessively worrying about something and it had a negative impact on your sleep or caused a stomachache. You might also think of a period of time when you were frustrated or angry and found your eyes scrunching together, causing lines between the eyes. Similarly, when someone is being a "pain in the neck," your body’s emotional tension is manifesting that stress physically.
Repeated emotions can cause the overuse of facial muscles, imprinting unwanted lines and creases. These expression lines tell the story of the emotions you are holding or have held for long periods of time. Over time, these patterns have an increasingly significant impact on the body, especially if they become habitual. If not resolved, these patterns can become part of your personality or constitution and internal organ systems can be thrown off. With Chinese medicine face reading, we can analyze your facial map of lines and wrinkles and understand some of the emotional struggles you've experienced—and then address these internal imbalances with acupuncture.
According to author, acupuncturist and face reading specialist Lillian Bridges, there are a few possible commonalities among people who do not get many wrinkles:
The overall quality of their skin is oily and thick with lots of melanin to protect it from the sun. Either they do not feel the full range of emotions very strongly, or they do not express them on their faces, so no expression lines have a chance to form.
They are skilled at letting go and moving on so their face reflects their Zen attitude.
Another option is to use TCM and Acupuncture to emotionally support your body's systems to more efficiently process all the different emotions life triggers. As acupuncture helps the body process these emotions, expression lines can change. The body works through the emotions as you let go of the need for that facial expression. While you are transforming internally, facial acupuncture works locally at the skin. The overall goal is to support your body and create these healthy changes from the inside out. Getting rid of the lines at the surface alone without addressing the cause will only work temporarily. The facial-acupuncture approach creates lasting improvements.
Face Reading and Facial Acupuncture
One of the more interesting forms of traditional observation is face reading. This diagnostic system uses the microsystem of the face to tell the body's story of internal health. As you know, faces evolve over time and say a lot about our journey through life. They're the combination of genetics, passed down from parents, affected by life experiences and expressions most commonly made, and yet also depict the health of internal functions. With careful inspection, a trained Chinese medicine practitioner can determine the state of your kidneys, lung and liver by inspecting different areas of your whole face.
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