
Choose Between Private Room and Shared Room Acupuncture Treatment

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Private Room Acupuncture

Experience a hands-on approach to healing

In the private room acupuncture treatment, you get to experience all the benefits of acupuncture as well as some additional hands-on therapies. 
These therapies include massage, craniosacral therapy, Chinese cupping and possibly moxibustion. 
Each treatment is custom designed to address your health goals and needs. 
What does it involve?
In the hour treatment, you have some time to check in an express your health or emotional concerns. After a short consultation, we make a plan. If emotions are high, your nervous system is in overdrive, or it is requested, we can include 5 minutes of EFT tapping with the consultation. 
While I step out to wash my hands, you climb up on the massage table and get super comfortable. The massage table can be heated up when desired. Heat lamps for the feet are also available. Once all the needles are in place, I step out and allow your nervous system to relax and unwind. Something powerful happens when you are alone with the needles. 
The last 10-15 minutes of the treatment consists of some kind of hands on therapy. Depending on what your body needs that day, it may include some combination of Chinese Cupping, craniosacral therapy, massage therapy, or moxibustion. The goal is to tune into what you and your body need to release tension and come back to feeling centered and grounded. 
How does it work?
I love offering a combination of these therapies to maximize your healing process. Healing is really a process of listening. Your body knows what you need. There is so much wisdom in you. I use these techniques and therapies to honor this wisdom and help you tune back into your intuition. We all need support sometimes. Acupuncture is a beautiful tool to help you tap back into your body's wisdom. Releasing tension feels good.
How much does it cost? 

Private Room Acupuncture is $90, or available for 10% when a package of 6 is purchased. See the pricing page for more details on packages.


Shared Room Acupuncture

Acupuncture available for everyone
Something really special happens when you receive an acupuncture treatment in a room with other people.
As your body releases its tension and becomes more centered, the combined healing of the group is more powerful than the individual if they were alone. 
Similar to tuning forks, each person in treatment helps support the harmony of the group, like healing harmonics. 
What does it involve?

Once you arrive, you check in then pick a La-Z-boy in the shared room. There are 6 chairs available. 

(Due to Covid19, the shared room shift is limited to people in the same household or 1 at a time.) 

Please wear loose clothes that come up to the knees and up to the elbows. After the needles are in, you get to fulling recline and sink into the chair. There is quiet music playing and you get to relax into your treatment for 35-50 minutes. 

How does it work?
Acupuncture is all about helping you bring your nervous system back into balance, release tension, and reduce pain. It uses the qi, or energy, that is flowing in your body. As the treatment brings you into harmony with yourself, you become like a tuning fork. You are vibrating in a healing zone. When you are in a room full of other people who are also in that healing zone, the collective healing is enhance. All the tuning forks come into harmony. It is so cool to experience. There is power in healing in community. 
How much does it cost?

Shared room treatments are $40 for one session, or available for 10% when a package of 6 is purchased. See the pricing page for more details on packages.


Interested in Acupuncture?

Call us at 206-708-0640  or schedule online.

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