Helping you through the fertility journey
Because Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are so connected to the cycles of nature and the body, it is no surprise that the system of medicine is powerfully effective in supporting fertility.
Acupuncture and herbs can be helpful to both women and men as a combined effort.
Hormone balance is important as a woman is preparing her body for pregnancy. The differential diagnosis process with Traditional Chinese Medicine can support a variety of imbalances. In many cases, we can help get the hormone flowing in healthy state.

What does it involve?
With fertility, we like to look at multiple variables. Fertility is a combination of the health and vitality of the uterus, eggs, sperm, and the hormones. 30% of infertility are due to the female factors, 30% are due to the male factors and 30% is a unknown combination of factors. The best results with fertility come from addressing and optimizing the male and female factors. From an energetic perspective, we also consider the stress and relationship factors. The more joyful the experience is, the better for all involved. We use acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, qi gong practices, and meditation suggestions to help support your specific variables.
How does it work?
Female related fertility support includes balancing hormones, regulating menstrual cycles, supporting quality of blood and qi, and releasing tension and stress. After a proper assessment and diagnosis, acupuncture and herbs can be very supportive with these systems. We love working with the medical fertility community and have great referral relationships with some fertility MDs. Basically, we want to get your body in harmony with your natural rhythms and cycles. In Mandarin, the word for uterus is Zi Gong, which loosely translates to "Seed Palace" and that is a lovely way to describe our goal. We want to get your seed palace in optimal condition for all your babies needs to be met. For male fertility, we most commonly release stress and balance the nervous system. Acupuncture and herbs can be powerful resources to improve the quality of eggs and sperm.
How much does it cost?
A private room is $90 and shared space is $40 per session, fertility patients can choose either option for their treatment.
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