Craniosacral Therapy

The body responds to gentleness

The combination of acupuncture and craniosacral therapy can be very powerful. Where acupuncture addresses the qi of the body, (or energy), craniosacral therapy tunes into the fluid movement in the body.

The two systems harmonize well. The fluid is yin compared to qi. which is relatively yang.

Craniosacral therapy is a massage technique that was named after the two ends of the spine, the cranium, and the sacrum.

Cerebrospinal fluid is the primary fluid of the spine and it filters in the brain. Healthy fluid movement in the spine is important to health. However, The whole body is suspended in a fluid so craniosacral therapy is not limited to the spine.  

The therapy consists of gentle touch that follows tension patterns held in the body. As they release, the pain and emotional patterns.

When pain and dysfunction occur in the body, the fluid of the body gets stuck. It is similar to qi in this way.

The body holds the memory of events, emotions, and physical traumas. By accessing this system of healing, the practitioner allows the patient's body to unwind the tension patterns as it is ready.

This creates tangible shifts in the body. Pain decreases, stiff old injuries start to relax and patterns held by the body soften and change.

The body responds to gentleness. 

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What does it involve?
Craniosacral therapy is a massage therapy technique. The therapy is gentle and subtle. It is a hands on therapy that uses gentle touch that allows safe and gentle releases in tension patterns. The hands on massage therapy works well with acupuncture. 
How does it work?
Your body is 70% fluid, or yin in Chinese medicine terms. The craniosacral therapy system uses this wisdom to tune into the fluid movement under the muscles. Basically, when you have pain, emotional distress, or tension in the body, there is a tension pattern related to it. These tension patterns can be felt by a trained craniosacral therapist. With a gentle pressure, I follow the tension patterns until they release. The releases are palpable. Once released, they are gone. Many people have layered issues relating to chronic pain or stress. Like an onion, craniosacral therapy releases layer after layer. When the core issue is cleared, you are free of that pattern. Sometimes, that happens very quickly. Other people take some time. This is why I love combining therapies so we can get to the core of matters more effectively from multiple angles. Everything going on in your body is connected. We honor these connections. Craniosacral therapy is a beautiful therapy to support you holistically. 

Interested in Craniosacral?

Call us at 206-708-0640  or schedule online.


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